November is Native American Heritage Month and all of us at Floral Design By Heidi want to recognize the rich ancestry and importance of Native Americans. Here are five simple ways to learn about Native American history and support our tribes:
1. Attend or Support an educational event, visit monuments, museums, tour reservations
2. Encourage intrigue and investigation into the diversity of tribes and their story through Native Authors
3. Support Native Businesses
4. Try out a less colonial mainstream thanksgiving. Support tribes who choose to mourn during this time instead of taking part in the mainstream American Narrative of Thanksgiving
5. Send flowers like sunflowers to uplift the human spirit, roses to embrace life and give thanks for today and tomorrow
Flower Connection:
“To Native American western tribes, wild roses were a symbol of life, offered spiritual protection, and were used as herbal medicine, and rose hips (the fruit of wild roses) were eaten as foods directly or as part of a pudding.”
We hope these suggestions will inspire and uplift your November! May you continue to have flourishing connections and gratitude in your hearts.
-Kim C.
Floral Design By Heidi